

Replacing the 740 Waterpump


Replacing a leaking waterpump is a very doable job for the do-it-yourselfer. This guide will help you through the process and make it easier. For instance, there's a trick for getting that last bolt lined up when installing the new waterpump.

Also, previous to installing a new waterpump, the engine had been emitting a low, rumbling sound and a loud intermittent click. These noises disappeared once the new waterpump was installed!

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 n Replacing the 740 Waterpump (downloaded)




 r A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Timing Belt on the 240 Volvo non-B230 Engine (downloaded)




 r Diagnosing No-Starts on Some 740/940 Volvos (downloaded)




 r A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Timing Belt on the 740/940 Volvo (downloaded)




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